roberto castello branco
Economist Roberto Castello Branco took office today, Jan. 3, as CEO of Petrobras, during a ceremony held at the Noble Hall of the Company's Headquarters in Rio de Janeiro.
Internal struggles
Want to republish The Brazilian Report? The future Petrobras CEO has a post-doctorate degree from the University of Chicago – a cradle of neoliberal economists such as the late Milton Friedman. Mr. Bolsonaro himself said, prior to the election, that he would not privatize Petrobras. Castello Branco’s nomination for Petrobras CEO is not the only “defeat” for the Army top brass advising the president-elect. Roberto Castello Branco. Castello Branco’s nomination for Petrobras CEO is not the only “defeat” for the Army top brass advising the president-elect. A gente Tudo o que você precisa para dar os primeiros passos na Bolsa de ValoresAprenda a usar a estratégia do Value Investing, usada pelo maior investidor do mundo! Brazil's President-elect Jair Bolsonaro on Monday, Nov. 19, 218, named Roberto Castello Branco, a pro-market reformer, as future chief executive of the country's state-controlled oil company, Petrobras. Email us at [email protected]Foi empossado após recomendação de Paulo Guedes, Ministro da Economia. RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil’s President-elect Jair Bolsonaro on Monday named Roberto Castello Branco, a pro-market reformer, as future chief executive of the country’s state-controlled oil company, Petrobras.Castello Branco, a former member of Petrobras’ board, has advocated privatizing the oil giant, a measure also supported by his close ally and long-time friend Paulo Guedes, designated as Brazil’s next finance minister.The nomination of Castello Branco, an engineer with experience in both the oil sector and running large companies, appeared to be garnering initial support.“It’s a name that arrives with quite a lot of strength,” said Gilberto Braga, a finance professor at the Ibmec university in Rio de Janeiro, citing Costello Branco’s time as a Petrobras board member and previously as a director of mining company Vale.“He will have autonomy to deliver a market-friendly agenda, with some freedom to set fuel prices and more leeway to accelerate divestments,” concurred the Eurasia Group in a press release.Bolsonaro’s administration takes over on Jan. 1. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco est un général des forces armées brésiliennes et homme d'État, né le 20 septembre 1900 à Fortaleza, dans l'actuel quartier de Messejana, mort le 18 juillet 1967 à Fortaleza. But that vision goes against the beliefs of the military advisors, who consider the oil and gas sector as “strategic” for Brazil.
In an op-ed published on Folha de S.Paulo on June 2, amid the truckers’ strike that nearly paralyzed the entire country, the future Petrobras CEO defended the privatization of the company he will now take over.

Roberto Castello Branco, the future Petrobras CEO
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