Sentence of affectation

Examples of affection in a sentence, how to use it. 3, He didn't show his wife any affection. Avoid an affectation of excessive modesty. ‘Eat Out to Help Out’, the UK government instructs – healthily or otherwise, according to taste. I could not help smiling; there was no affectation here. 2. 317. His style is copious and flexible; abundantly idiomatic, but without any The short-sighted policy of the amir Abdur Rahman in discouraging imports doubtless affected the balance, nor did his "What year did you enter the service?" Real sentences showing how to use Affectation correctly. I think he is sincere and quite without affectation. He speaks with a British accent, but that is just an 26. See examples of Affectation in English. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content I wore sunglasses all the time and people thought it was an affectation. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. 43+2 sentence examples: 1. Sentence with the word affectation. He really did feel affection for her, if he was jealous. On one hand, UK residents are being urged to go to a restaurant and enjoy noshing out. Lawson writes so well: in plain English, without fuss or affectation. 3. How is affectation used in a sentence? There is much affectation abroad, and some hypocrisy. Find descriptive alternatives for affectation. varying according to site, and to the nature and degree of the He set little store on the theology of those who in a system of dry and barren notions "pay handsome compliments to the Deity," "remove providence," "explode devotion," and leave but "little of zeal, Edwards, however, proved a skilful pilot, and his hold on the The latter part of his reign was comparatively peaceful, and he gained the His views were identical with those of Proclus, who regarded him with great His consort, Elizabeth of Austria, "the mother of the Jagiellos," bore him six sons and seven daughters, and by her Theodore soon after married his second wife Terunish, the proud daughter of the late governor of Tigre, who felt neither Becoming also tutor to the maiden, he used the unlimited power which he thus obtained over her for the purpose of seduction, though not without cherishing a real It is, however, only fair to note that he always regarded Pitt with strong personal The Great Being confides specially to them its moral Providence, maintaining through them the direct and constant cultivation of universal Vanessa insensibly became his pupil, and he insensibly became the object of her impassioned For many years, nevertheless, he maintained a correspondence with Pope and Bolingbroke, and with Arbuthnot and Gay until their deaths, with such warmth as to prove that an ill opinion of mankind had not made him a misanthrope, and that human Slight as the story is, it is worked out into one of the most affecting poems in the language, and gives to literature one of its most perfect types of womanhood and of "As a soldier he possessed to an extraordinary degree the enthusiastic (Peter Philarges), pope 1409-1410, was born in Crete of unknown parents and entered the order of St Francis, for which, as for the other mendicant orders, he later manifested his There is, however, a certain coolness about the hero's On 'the other hand, the entire parts of Pauline and Severe are beyond praise, and the manner in which the former reconciles her duty as a wife with her Beloved," added he, speaking to the rest of the disciples, "Ananda for long years has served me with devoted But the duke came to an arrangement with his father-in-law, by which he regained Piacenza and his other fiefs The rest of his life was spent quietly at home, where the moderation and wisdom of his rule won for him the He has left an odious picture of himself in the historians - a man untouched by benefits or natural Although Tiberius is said to have received the news of his death with indifference, there is no reason to suppose that he had any hand in it; indeed, he seems to have entertained a genuine In 1829 he became the first Dane Professor of Law at Harvard University, and continued until his death to hold this position, meeting with remarkable success as a teacher and winning the Edward indeed was a man worthy of respect, if not of She displayed from the first a dignity and good sense which won the History may hereafter conclude that the most significant circumstance of the earlier period is to be found in the demonstration of loyalty and Ten years before, her jubilee had been the occasion of enthusiastic rejoicings, and the queens progress through London to a service of thanksgiving at Westminster bad impressed the imagination of her subjects and proved the In every portion of the globe the sixtieth anniversary of the queens reign excited interest; in every country the queens name was mentioned with In the summer of 1794 Burke was struck to the ground by a blow to his deepest But so long as there were representatives of the family alive, there was always a possible pretender to the throne which he occupied; and the people had not lost their These letters, written with the utmost freedom and fullness to the one whose In his organization there was a peculiar, perhaps a great deficiency; he was a man without The only son of Stephen Flamsteed, a maltster, he was educated at the free school of Derby, but quitted it finally in May 1662, in consequence of a rheumatic The next seventeen years were passed in active ministry at Brooklyn, whence in 1854, owing to a throat So far, however, there is no ethical difference between Christian faith and that of Judaism, or its later imitation, Mahommedanism; except that the personal In Plato's exposition of the different virtues there is no mention whatever of benevolence, although his writings show a keen sense of the importance of friendship as an element of philosophic life, especially of the intense personal not, like Augustine, resolve them all into the one central Thus, Hugo of St Victor (1077-1141) argues that all love is necessarily so far " interested " that it involves a desire for union with the beloved; and since eternal happiness consists in this union, it cannot truly be desired apart from God; while Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) more elaborately distinguishes four stages by which the soul is gradually led from (I) merely selfregarding desire for God's aid in distress, to (2) love him for his loving-kindness to it, then also (3) for his absolute goodness, until (4) in rare moments this love for himself alone becomes the sole all-absorbing It remains to consider how, from the doctrine that An action is formally good when it flowed from good Both thinkers hold that this perception of right and wrong in actions is accompanied by a perception of merit and demerit in agents, and also by a specific emotion; but whereas Price conceives this emotion chiefly as pleasure or pain, analogous to that produced in the mind by physical beauty or deformity, Reid regards it chiefly as benevolent This influence, so far as it has affected moral as distinct from political speculation, has been exercised primarily through the general conception of human progress; which, in Comte's view, consists in the ever growing preponderance of the distinctively human attributes over the purely animal, social feelings being ranked highest among human attributes, and highest of all the most universalized phase of human Regarding the social tendency as originally itself an instinct developed out of parental or filial For seven years there was no communication between the two branches of the family, till at last, when Hypatius had become a Christian, Salvian wrote him a most touching letter in his own name, his wife's, and that of his little daughter Auspiciola, begging for the renewal of the old He seems also to have kept up his connexion with Geneva by addressing letters of counsel and comfort to the faithful there who continued to regard him with He renounced a federation in which his brothers were not sufficiently docile; he gradually withdrew power from them; he concentrated all his She is said to have been killed by another Amazon, Molpadia, a rival in her As soon as the First Consul had time to turn his attention to the Peninsula, N he determined to restore Godoy, who had already S~7~I regained the Vettor Pisani, who had been imprisoned after the defeat at Pola, but who possessed the confidence of the people and the (2) Self-interest, founded on the love of pleasure and the fear of pain, is the sole spring of judgment, action, His engrossing intellectual labours no doubt tended somewhat to harden his character; and in his zeal for rectitude of purpose he forgot the part which Up to the stage indicated by the Dissertation he had been attempting, in various ways, to unite two radically divergent modes of explaining cognition - that which would account for the content of experience by reference to The relation between phenomena and noumena in the Kantian system does not in the least resemble that which plays so important a part in modern psychology - between the subjective results of sense And, finally, it is not at all difficult to understand why Kant should say that the Her marriage with Malatesta did not take place until 1456; but of the ardent She snuggled against his body, but this time when she lifted her lips for his Once she told Damian about the woman whose hand rested intimately on his arm, who he smiled at with genuine The brutal reality was that he'd double-bound her to ensure he didn't lose – and not because any part of him was capable of There was no emotion in the demon lord's voice, no indication of warmth or He'd meant to piss her off earlier, keep her from developing any sort of He.d gone from being tormented by his own mother to the Jerome held Donnie's hand while his other arm was about Edith's shoulder, in a grasp that looked to Dean a tad too tight for simple Then he called to Elisabeth, "Come meet your competition for my After his death she became the devoted attendant and supporter of the Roman pontiff and cherished an extraordinary Her care for, and interest in her Regiment inspired great Progressive taxation preserves equity, which is the reason the NHS has retained the Actually, Roxana has 12 children but she seems to be totally incapable of feeling real Professor Macrory said he would explore the possible relevance of the Law Commission's current review of the law on injurious He possessed a deep knowledge of France and her history, an abiding By bringing my niece here I believe I have given her an excellent chance of regaining her husband's avirulent pathogen was similar except their extent being With these wishes to you all, I send with a pledge of continuing Accordingly, the lyrics were concerned with expressing erected by parishioners as a token of universal respect and Also, I've eaten escargots in the past, very good in garlic butter, which makes His cruel illness triggered a quite extraordinary outpouring of Two eminent physicians had consulted over his case without being able to give a name to the unaffected piety, simplicity of manners, and warm benevolence drew to him the stymied by the real problems of life but to face them with Vijay is adopted by a kindly and lonely widower, who showers all his Peter was a rare and unwelcome guest in his own family, and a son who loved his mother could have little On the 17th of November Shaftesbury moved in the House of Lords for a divorce to enable the king to marry a Protestant and have legitimate issue; but he received little support, and the bill was opposed by Charles, who continued to show his wife "extraordinary During his frequent absences he entrusted the government of the Netherlands to the tried hands of his aunt, Margaret, who retained his confidence until her death (November 1530), and secured the He was not insensible to Charles's good qualities, was touched by the paternal 2 Bothwell's power was now greater, and the queen's His immediate successors, being men of humble origin and submissive character, made no pretensions to such an exalted position, but when the haughty, ambitious and energetic Nikon, who enjoyed in large measure the The Pharisees decided that they could not take action on either side, since the elder son of Alexandra was directed by the Idumaean Antipater; and the people had an In Venice Crichton met and vanquished all disputants except Giacomo Mazzoni, was followed from place to place by crowds of admirers, and won the Next day an autopsy was held at which it was stated that a child apparently about ten years of age, "which the commissioners told us was the late Louis Capet's son," had died of a scrofulous Josephus informs us that, after the murder of his father, Herod the Great sent him to Rome to the court of Tiberius, who conceived a great Cuvier gives an interesting account of a young wolf which, having been trained to follow his master, showed Benevolent and sympathetic in disposition, he won the 12), and illustrates not merely the situation of the apostle at Rome, but the terms of exceptional Being childless, and with a husband who could not command her respect, her longing for On the next day the emperor William officially announced the betrothal of the Cesarevitch (afterwards the tsar Nicholas II.)

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