halloween in germany facts

Processions held across the South of England culminate in Lewes on November 5, commemorating the memory of the seventeen Protestant martyrs. More than 175 million Americans are slated to participate in this year's Halloween festivities, according to the In 2016, according to NRF, total spending hit a record $8.4 billion.The history of this crazed Halloween holiday and its spooky traditions date back more than 2,000 years.Halloween’s spooky origins come from an ancient Celtic festival for the dead called Samhain (or “Summer’s End”).The Celts, who lived in the region now known as Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France thousands of years ago, celebrated Samhain on Nov. 1 to mark the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of a new year, kicking off with the bitter cold winter, a season typically associated with death.“For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter,” according to History.com.And so, on the eve of Samhain (Oct. 31), Druids built enormous bonfires and the Celts, dressed in costumes made of animal heads and skins, sacrificed their crops and animals to the Celtic gods.When the Samhain celebrations were coming to an end, the Celts re-lit their hearth fires with fire from the sacred bonfire built by the Druids in hopes that its heat will keep them safe during the coming winter.The moniker comes from Catholicism’s All-hallowmas, a three-day holiday honoring the saints and recently deceased.During the 7th century, Christianity spread throughout Celtic lands and influenced Celtic religion and popular traditions, including the famous Samhain holiday.In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III decreed Nov. 1 All Saints’ Day and the evening before, All Hallows Eve. It is celebrated on October 31. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and witches all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As a Holy Day of Obligation, some observers honor those in purgatory by ringing bells. Dieter Tschorn, a public relations consultant for the German Toy and Novelty Retailers Association, has named himself the father of German Halloween.

That’s due to an influx of Irish immigrants fleeing the Irish Potato Famine.But due to rigid Protestant belief systems in colonial New England, the holiday wasn’t as popular in those regions.The origin of the angry orange pumpkin (or jack-o’-Lantern) comes from a Celtic folk tale of a miserly farmer named Jack who constantly played tricks on the devil. On that day all kinds of beings were present: ghosts, fairies, and demons – all of them part of the dark and dread.The Christian Church tried to wipe out “pagan” holidays, such as Samhain, through its missionaries.

Nov. 2 later became All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead.The All Saints’ Day celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas. It had its beginnings in an ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival of the dead. Apples are harvested right before Halloween. Originally, you had to dance for your "treat." Although countries all over the world celebrate The original source of Halloween is believed to be of pagan tradition, although many believe the Christian celebrations came first. Some people just love this occasion. These festivals often honored gods of fruits, such as the Roman Pomona. While in America Halloween costumes can depict just about anything – from princesses and dragons to movie characters, doctors, and vampires – in Germany costumes should be scary. Mean spirits entered the earthly realm as well. Thus, the festival of the pagan lord of the dead became the festival of the Christian dead, in memory of early Christians who died for their beliefs and to honor all those who died in the faith.Anyway, All Saints Day, otherwise known as All Hallows (hallowed means sanctified or holy), continued the ancient Celtic traditions. The October 31st is also the date of another German holiday,

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