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Prince William appeared about an hour into the BBC show, in a sketch in which Stephen Fry’s Blackadder character Lord Melchett was trying to give him tips on home schooling during a zoom call. "Then, just moments later, the Prince, his wife Kate and their three kids Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis stepped out onto their front steps to They were later joined by Prince Charles and his wife Camilla.
Ba-dum-tss!The pair then prepared for the daily Clap for Carers, which takes place at 8 p.m. in the U.K. "The Duke of Cambridge went on to lead tonight's clap for carers with wife Kate Middleton and their children George, Charlotte and Louis.Also part of tonight's star-studded is Peter Kay, who will make his first TV appearance in two years.When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. Finding Freedom drags the royal biography – and the Royal family – into the show business gutter Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. Over 64 million households have tuned into watch Netflix's Tiger King, but the Duke and Duchess are not one of them. Thursday marked Prince Louis' second birthday and Queen Elizabeth's birthday was this Tuesday.Unfortunately, the family wasn't able to gather as they normally would for the matriarch's celebrations, but they all sent their love to her over video calls.
Watch Queue Queue And my shoes. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.

“Stephen Fry and Prince William is the comedy sketch I didn’t know I needed,” said another. In the … "Let me just see if I can find my socks... and my shoes... and my trousers. "Stephen suggested Netflix's Tiger King, to which Prince William replied: "I tend to avoid anything about royalty. It's hell without EastEnders. Ourexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. Global Cool Showreel, featuring Orlando Bloom, Leonardo ... -


Reblog. "Comedian Stephen Fry starred as Lord Melchett as he sat down to a Skype chat with Prince William.Stephen asked him how the homeschooling was going, the prince admitted he might need some help.Asking how his French was, Stephen replied with a long sentence in the language.

Fry appeared as Melchett in two series of British sitcom Blackadder. Finding Freedom makes one thing clear: the Americans know nothing about us Brits Harry and Meghan’s life in California: the inside story so far 

William, Kate, George, Charlotte and Louis at Anmer It's hell without EastEnders. This video is unavailable. "“I’m here Melchett,” said Prince William, in an acting debut that would have taken millions of viewers by surprise.After a moment of tech failure, which saw him call video calls “complicated stuff”, he asked: “How are you Melchie, have you been self isolating?”In a short sketch filmed at Anmer Hall, Fry asked how his homeschooling was going.“It’s a bit of a nightmare really,” said William, before Melchett offered to help with spelling or history.Fry said he was “not bad at kings and queens”, before reminding himself that it was likely the Duke’s own area of expertise.“You’d think so wouldn’t you,” William replied, looking sceptical.When Fry tried to address him in French, he admitted: “I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.“By the way, have you seen anything good on TV? Harry and Meghan buy home on Santa Barbara estate that was subject of 1998 novel Riven Rock The Duke of Cambridge pokes fun at himself in aid of BBC coronavirus fundraiser The topic of Joe Exotic arose when the Duke of Cambridge asked the entertainer, "By the way have you seen anything good on TV? Copyright © 2020 NBC Universal Inc. All rights reserved "Naturally, Fry, who was playing his TV character Lord Melchett, informed him of the wildly popular Netflix show, to which Prince William quipped, "I tend to avoid shows about royalty." But first, the Duke said he needed a moment to ready himself for the cameras. Comedian Stephen Fry starred as Lord Melchett as he sat down to a Skype chat with Prince William. The Duke of Cambridge has made his comic acting debut as he made a surprise appearance in a Blackadder sketch poking fun at himself in aid of The Duke, who is a fan of Blackadder, joined a television sketch with Stephen Fry, who was in character as a modern day Lord Melchett, before ushering his children to lead the way in a national “clap for carers”.In a surprise skit on BBC One on Thursday night, during The Big Night In special, the Duke joked about the Royal Family, homeschooling and zoom calls without his trousers in aid of a good cause: a collaboration between Comic Relief and Children In Need to raise money for the fight against Covid-19.Written by Richard Curtis, who penned the original television show and is the founder of Comic Relief, it opened with Stephen Fry as Lord Melchett.Known to fans of the show as the Lord Chamberlain to Elizabeth I in the Tudor series of the show, the character had been updated for the modern Royal Family as “head of the royal household”.Waiting for the Duke to join him on a call, as made fun of the royal heritage as he muttered: “I thought Germans were meant to be punctual. Ourexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. It’s hell without EastEnders.”Told Tiger King, a Netflix show about an America cat breeding programme and its eccentric participants, was “rather good”, he replied: “I tend to avoid shows about royalty.”Reminded through the computer screen that it was nearly time to begin the national “clap for our carers” at 8pm, William told Fry, with solid comic timing: “Let me see if I can find my socks.

Watch Queue Queue Kate Middleton and Prince William Share New Photo of George and Charlotte on UK Mother's Day

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