dive studios hwaiting ep 1
Check out the story behind Eric's new mini album #TheOtherSide in Ep. I was number one. - [Peniel] Wait, what, we have to-- - [Jamie] Can we, can we just-- - [Peniel] Wait, we have to -- - [Narrator] Episode and you will be playing in teams, in pairs, and alone. - Can there be more than one loser? Great to be here today!
Why? ⠀ It's Amber Liu!
- [Fake Eric] Oh, okay. - What up guys?! You can also watch the full video of this episode here: Ep. HWAITING!
Okay, next up, oh yeah. #10)
- Do we need to shout at this person? - Number two- - Who was number two? - What? ... KARD’s BM, Jamie Park, and more play this hilarious yelling game in Episode 6 of HWAITING. I'm Amber from f(x) . a lot of K-pop stars. - All right. Let's go! - Ew, Eric! HWAITING Ep. - It's obviously not you! - Number three was obvious. - All right, okay. This week, the HWAITING players put on their chef hats and blindfolds to make Eric a “delicious” meal. This is the first ever episode of what I'm pretty confident will be our first and last season to ever exist.
So not only that, there is a winner, but there is also a loser. doing the penalty at the end. - So next up, he's a big, big man with kind, kind eyes and really... - What? - Does Eric have cold hands? ⠀ ⠀ - Gang gang! they're both named Ashley Choi. But I do have an answer to just one of those questions. - I'm gonna step right back in the middle here with you guys. - All right, forget it, everybody get in. - College "appa."
Stay calm—you got this. Yeah.
DIVE Studios posted an episode of HWAITING! - Eric's ears are red! than touching ears, right? J-Y-P!
- [Ashley] This is hard! - Hey, who was number two? #68 | Eric's New Album 'The Other Side' (FULL Episode)"Just because you don't get it right the first time, doesn't mean that it's game over." So, this is the way the game works: everybody put your hands up like a zombie. We're gonna do, in Korean, it's "얼굴 몰아주기" Which in English is like, make one person look decent and everybody else looks kind of ... wack? #11 of 'NONSENSIBLE with Sam and Dave.' - This is a weird game.
- All right, so uh, here's the penalty. episode of "HWAITING"! Guys, you guys are all negative one point. - Okay. Learn more, including about available controls: Hello! - Yeah, number two! - And like do this to the camera, and then you just like ruined it! ♪ DAY6 - Congratulations ♪ ♪ Ooh-whoa ♪ - So the ladies all start off this series of "HWAITING" Well, what kind of games, you ask? determines what you take home.
- I'm gonna shut up. Ashley's feeling those ears.
Eric Nam and two fake Eric Nams will walk up to each - Well, it's tricky, because turn trying to determine who the real Eric Nam is by - There can be more than one loser, but there is one loseriest loser.
Stop touching my ears! - J-Y-P! - No, the third person has a small ear. - Yeah, you're evil. - Why? Jamie and out of JYP. - So it's like one person Yeah, no, just me? - Because I'm the host, and they said I could do it, and I could do whatever I want.
Exciting? - [Jamie] That's gonna be Jae. - [Jamie] Eric! - I don't know who's gonna
touching only their ears. Ooh! It’s time to make Eric a sandwich! Engage with us so you can see all the behind-the-scenes content, footage, photos, etc. - Sam Hammington - Are you serious? Why is the sky blue? Okay, and then nobody for number three. How 'bout play games? welcome to "HWAITING," thank you for joining us.
@ashleybchoi & @saulgoodeptc join our hosts in Ep. - [Amber And Jamie] Okay. - [All] Hey! and who invented pencils? game than touching ears.
- Let's go, we're going to - [Jamie] But if he... - [Jamie] It's not you, obviously. 5:11 ... monopil 887,326 views.
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